For Choreographers-2017

Hello choreographers! This page contains resources for you to help you through the process of creating your site specific dance. The first step is to Sign Up as a Choreographer or Site Leader so we can stay in communication.

About our 2017 event

This year 2017 we are encouraging choreographers to produce a site specific dance with a big group of dancers, when possible, and involve the community in the creative process. Each dance will be performed at a time and location determined by you, although we are suggesting 3:00 pm local time to assure there is a dance happening around the world all the time!

The Event Structure

Each group would produce a 4-part site-specific performance; the first two parts local and latter two global:

  • Section I. Ritual: An opening ceremony specific to each site.
  • Section II. Local Dance: It is open to what you want as a choreographer. You can use locally-based music, with the theme about local water issues.
  • Section III. Global Dance: Simultaneous choreography (movement choir) done by all the performers worldwide to the same piece of music, connecting participants and audience globally. Watch the video
  • Section IV. Participatory Dance: Audience participation in a very simple movement sequence. Some sites will teach the moves right during this Finale, while at other sites the audience will have learned prior to performance. Download the music here.

Important Details

Include actions: Take on the issues needed in your community, including politics. Past models have included petitions, call to action, causes, etc.
Partner up: work with environmentally related organizations for speakers and taking collections or helping charities related to water: charity:water,, etc. We can help you to find the right match!
Include Movement Choirs: The idea is to have a big group of people dancing. If you want some ideas about how develop your own site specific performance please read this Modern Day Movement Choirs Document.
Embody Water: At some point, everyone becomes water, river, stream, ocean, puddle. Moving as one mind/body has potency. Working on consciousness and action is important.
Involve others: Consider programming Section II with groups that will participate in section III. Section I could be also participatory and can involve kids and seniors.

Visit our Facebook page and join our GWD Choreographers Facebook group

Music and Videos for Sections III and IV

Agreement: By downloading GWD music, I agree that it will be used specifically for our Global Water Dances Project, and not for other performances or purposes.

Section III. The Global Dance


Section III – Global Dance 2019 music composed by Nicolas Soto.


Section III Instructional video 2017.
Section III Rehearsal videos (2013)
Section III Performance – Story of Water (2013)

Written Score

Written Score for Section III (Global Part)
Laban Motif Score for Ending Unison Phrase

Section IV. Participatory Dance


Section IV: 4 minute clip mp3 – Listen to music and download
Section IV full length mp3 – Listen to music and download (for a longer version, if audience section might go longer)


Section IV Audience Participation Moves

Publicity Tools

Video and Photos from GWD 2017

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