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Water Locale

Parker Pond

Audience Site

Bearnstow on Parker Pond


Mount Vernon GWDBearnstow is located at Spruce Point Camps which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Parker Pond tests drinking pure. We are concerned with seasonal residents who use speed boats that wash the shore, incoming boats that may carry invasive species and people clearing brush vegetation for viewing lake sight lines. The new building codes take care of sewage seepage.

The Choreographers

Directed by Ruth Grauert, Bebe Miller and Denise Gagner with contributing choreographers Molly Claire Hess, Lizzie Loveland, Nitzia Velazquez, and Timmy Wagner

The Music

Live percussion by group and audience. Some recorded work to be determined.

The Performance

Mount Vernon GWDThe several choreographers worked independently. Then on site we came together and perfected group pieces. On entering audience members were given various percussive instruments so they could participate in the production at their discretion.

From our script:
“Up from the Earth, wells this water, refined in deep caldrons.
“It bubbles and rolls to meet greater waters.
“Water meets water and in the calm of shallows it greets new life.
“It reaches out, spreading to hold the sky.
“Mating with wind, it cleanses the embracing earth.
“Sun lifts it to the sky.
“It finds its way back to earth and to the caldron from which it came.
“We need this wanderer, this water, this circle
which cradles us.”

Directions to Site Location

Mount Vernon GWD
From Mount Vernon Village (ME.41) turn west on Seavy Corner Rd., take rt turn south on Ithiel Gordon Rd, turn rt at Bearnstow Sign, park in lot and walk in across the brook.
The performance site is on the east shore, the first large cove.–about 1/2 way down the shore on the widest part of the Pond (about east of the lettering Gooseneck Island) .

Email contact

[email protected]

Local website

Other resources and links

Our performance site looks out on other Landtrust Properties which are in the public domain. Has a mile vista across the Pond. In 1994 Bearnstow was placed in the care of the Kennebec Landtrust whose codicil to the deeds secures in perpetuity the natural aspects of the property. In 2008 it was registered on both the State and Federal registers of Historic Places which preserves the “hunting and fishing camp” character of the buildings and secures their “footprints.

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