Global Water Dances
We use the international languages of dance & film to promote awareness and a behavioral shift toward solutions for water preservation. Our next international event is on June 14th, 2025!
Global Water Dances event
Global Water Dances orchestrates a biennial multinational, community-oriented event that takes place at different water-related sites around the world, to raise awareness about water issues and to celebrate water through movement. We connect and support a global community of choreographers and dancers to inspire action and international collaboration for water issues through the universal language of dance.

The Global Water Dances (GWD) Education Program supports dance and movement educators by facilitating educational experiences inspired by the mission and values of GWD in early childhood, K-12, university, and community-based educational settings. To that end, the GWD Education Program provides online resources that include suggested curricular activities and professional development opportunities, as well as access to a global network of GWD Site Leaders and GWD Educational Leaders, who are committed to participatory arts and environmental activism.
180 Locations & Over 1,000 Dancers Worldwide
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