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Audience Location

Villa el Salvador Lima Sur

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 11:00 a.m.

Water Locale

Parque de Villa el Salvador


Davys Sánchez Ccorahua
Creative Dance Facilitator. Graduated form the PUCP Contemporary Dance School. Social Communicator from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and Bachelor in en Education from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.
He has done projects and communitary art interventions with different art groups in Lima and Cusco.
He Works with children, teenagers and young people in social projects in Lima.
Founder member of the NGO Rio Danza Comunitaria.
Currently he is promoting the pedagogical Project EL OTRO CUERPO with collaborators to create ludic experiences with blind children.

History of Site and Related Water Issues

Villa el Salvador es una ciudad creada en el desierto. La necesidad de agua es evidente. Las áreas verdes como los jardines luchan por sobrevivir y dependen del cuidado de los pobladores. Nuestra danza evidencia la necesidad de cuidado y de agua que necesitan los árboles y como a través de la danza comunitaria nos relacionamos con nuestra comunidad y sus necesidades.


Agua de estrellas, interpretada por Rolando Carrasco y Zamy Juárez. Cachua, anónimo.

The Performance

Global Water Dances in Lima achieved its goal of sensibilizing participants to recognize that the protection of water is a daily need. The artistic creations were inspired by the reality of what is happening around us (polluted rivers, green areas neglected and turned into dumps) allowed both participants dancers as the audience reflect on the need to respect, honor, care for water and the environment.

Dancing in community and with awareness, we believe we have provided a change of attitude among participants and we have come closer to nature in a more experiential way.
Also, bringing dance to unconventional scenarios allowed participants and spectators to connect art and life, and become aware of the social role of art.
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Directions to the Site of Performance

Parque Central del Grupo 2 del 7º Sector de Villa El Salvador.

How can I get involved?

Pueden venir músicos, percusionistas, artistas, líderes comunitarios, vecinos. Contact [email protected]

Local Website
Lima GWD 2015

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