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Audience Location
Uncle Daniel’s Brook and Parker Pond
Date and Time
June 20, 2015 at 4:00 pm
Water Locale
Uncle Daniel’s Brook to Parker Pond
All participants contribute both motion and sound.
History of Site and Related Water Issues
Parker Pond is a glacial lake. Uncle Daniel’s brook originates in a Cedar swamp.
Issues are roads run off, new development, faulty septic systems, motor boat oil pollution, wake erosion, introduced invasive species.
All kinds of hand held instruments carried by dancers.
The Performance
Bearnstow residents, residents of Mount Vernon and Vienna, Maine. Number c. 20.
Dance precedes down the brook and into the pond. final facing will be towards shore in sand cove.
Directions to the Site of Performance
84 Bearnstow Road, Mount Vernon, Maine 04352
Email for more information
How can I get involved?
Simply let us know. We’ll send directions.