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Audience Location
Parliament Gardens, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Date and Time
June 20, 2015 at 3 pm
Water Locale
Coles Fountain, Parliament Reserve
Kathleen Gonzalez is a Melbourne-based Colombian contemporary artist, dance performer, cultural producer, artistic director and founder of Tunjos y Cantaros Ethnologic Dance Company.
Finished studies as Professional Contemporary Dancer in 2009. Her practice explores the convergences between cultural and ancestral practices through historical archives and documents based in anthropology, ethnology, ancestral wisdom and embodiment issues as processes focused in contemporary dance. This particular investigation has been denominated “Ethnodanceology”;
Ethnodanceology is an area of study encompassing various approaches to the study of the dances around the world that emphasize their origins, cultural, social, material, cognitive, biological, historical, concepts and contexts instead of or in addition to its integral movement component or any particular beginning.
+61 4312 61 552
E-mail: [email protected]
History of Site and Related Water Issues
The Coles Fountain in the Parliament Reserve gardens was designed using sources such as rainwater tanks, storm water or recycled water. The Coles Fountain structure brings the sound sensations of waterfalls to the city. This water feature has a polygon in the middle to walk into and visually looks as curtains of water. The architect Robert Woodward designed the fountain in 1981 to be made . This is one of the delightful best water fountains that Melbourne has in whole CBD
The Performance
Life is medicine.
Ritual and contemporary dance performance by Tunjos y Cantaros Ethnologic Dance Company.
The use of the water (Mamaquta) is a cultural Pre-Inca issue from Peru. The sacred behaviour of the Andes people and their origins was to fertilize the earth. Those practices are surviving, offering light about the truth, the intellectual position and shows why the humanity have to take care about natural resources. Those ceremonies are linked to the cosmos-visions, the use of the water, the offerings and prayers to nurture the land.
“Pacarinas” are sacred places where reside the gods and mythical beings life guardians.
Piece of dance inspired from the book “El Culto al Agua en el Antiguo Perú”. La Paccha, elemento cultural panadino. written by Rebeca Carrión Cachot.
Directions to the Site of Performance
How can I get involved?
Everyone is welcome to celebrate Global Water Dances 2015 Melbourne – Australia the third biennial event on June 20, 2015, 3pm FREE EVENT