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Boonsboro beach

Audience Location

Boonesboro Beach State Park

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 11 am or 12 pm

Water Locale

Kentucky River at Boonesboro Beach


Pamla Wood

History of Site and Related Water Issues

This site was chosen because the Kentucky is a large watershed and the audience will have spent the morning cleaning trash out of the river.
The Kentucky River is impacted by surface mining for coal, especially in the headwaters, and bacteria is an issue in many sections of the watershed. Channelization and lack of riparian vegetation are issues throughout the watershed as well. This section of the river, however, is swimmable and fishable (albeit with Mercury-related limitations), suitable for drinking after treatment.


The only music used is in Section III.

The Performance

Five dancers, three with experience and two beginners. All dancers train at Dancers’ Studio, although the call for dancers went to many who do not.

Sections I and II are performed to spoken word: a poem about the Kentucky River written locally for the event (part I) and explanation of some of the issues in the watershed (part II).

Directions to the Site of Performance

Take route 627 south from I-64 at Winchester. Just after you cross the Kentucky River, turn left onto 388. Pass the campers’ entrance and take the next left into the park. Go to the old “beach house,” which is straight ahead and looks kind of like it just landed (although it is concrete block).

Email for more information

[email protected]

How can I get involved?

Participate in the dance!
Help with sound system.
Help with choreography, even if only as an advance observer.
Volunteer for the stream cleanup.

Other resources and links

Ongoing work by the dance sponsors is important for dance and Kentucky’s waterways: Motion Matters, Dancers’ Studio, Kentucky River Watershed Watch, Kentucky Waterways Alliance, and Kentucky Riverkeeper. Find them online.

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