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Audience Location

River bank

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 4:00 pm

Minnehaha Falls

Water Locale

Minnehaha Falls


Anne Ness, Jane Sullivan, and Vaerna Mayer co-operatively choreographed a dance project for Anne’s final project for Spirituality and Health class and are thrilled to collaborate on a dance to honor, nurture, and heal the sacred water.
Anne sees dance as ceremony, movement in time to music to express the sacred interaction between the self and the all.

History of Site and Related Water Issues

The Mississippi River connects to all of the water of the world. The Minnehaha Creek comes from Lake Minnetonka and runs into the river after running 22 miles. It is the central focus of a 181 square mile watershed that is home to hundreds of thousands of people. Through this creek and the Mississippi River we influence and are moved by the global environment.
Once enjoyed by mound building people, then Mdewakanton people, then Europeans, the beautiful waterfall energizes the air and attracts tbousands of visitors.


We will dance to the music that the global organizers provided three times.

The Performance

We will dedicate our ceremony to the water,honor the five directions, make an offering, invite audience participation, then close the ceremony.

Directions to the Site of Performance:

Park below Wabun Park and walk down the hill to the meadow. Follow the trail to the river.

Email for more information

[email protected]

How can I get involved?

Arrive at the meadow by three for rehearsal. RSVP to [email protected]

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