2019 GWD Performances

On June 15, 2019, communities around the world danced for safe water, for everyone, everywhere. Here a video compilation of the participating sites:

About the Event

Global Water Dances (GWD) performances at each site highlights a local water issue and take place near a related body of water. Choreographers, dance groups, organizations, water activists and members of the community gather to take action, to solve their immediate water problems. This worldwide event, linked throughout the day via broadcast and social media, challenges countless observers, locally and online, to deepen their understanding about the importance of water in communities the world over.

Each dance was performed on June 15th at 3pm local time in a location determined by the local Choreographer or Site Leader. Each group produced a 4-part site-specific performance; the first two parts – local and latter two – global:

  • Section I. Ritual: An opening ceremony specific to each site.
  • Section II. Local Dance: A dance created by choreographers from that area, using locally-based music, around specified local issues with water.
  • Section III. Global Dance: Simultaneous choreography done by all the performers worldwide to the same piece of music, connecting participants and audience globally.
  • Section IV. Participatory Dance: Audience participation in a very simple movement sequence. Some sites will teach the moves right during this Finale, while at other sites the audience will have learned prior to performance.
In Memory ~

Lena Katrayeva, originally from Siberia, was the Web Content Manager for Global Water Dances since 2015. She passed away in May 2019. To honor her memory we dedicated Global Water Dances 2019 to her. She loved dance, the ocean, and sea, and she has a passion for web design. We are honored to be a place where she could put all those passions together.