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Water Locale

Atlantic Ocean, Belfast Harbor

Audience Site

Belfast Habor/Breakwater


Belfast is home to a beautiful harbor and oceanic landscape. Many localities in Maine are currently facing issues surrounding public access to water and the oceanfront. As Belfast has stood
strong for its support of public access to the water, we danced to celebrate ocean access for all. We danced to promote co-existing in harmony with the waterfront and keeping oceans clean.

The Choreographers

Lisa Newcomb and Corinne Haynes.

The Music

Drum beats by local musician

The Performance

The performance incorporated a dance inspired by public access to the waterfront, the Global Water Dance, audience participation, and the participation of boats along the water.

Directions to Site Location

The performance was held at the Belfast Harbor Breakwater, which is located at the end of Main Street in downtown Belfast. From Route 1, exit onto High Street/ Northport Ave and make a right onto Main Street. Follow Main Street to the Waterfront.

Email contact

[email protected]

Local website

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