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Bobo Dioulasso GWD

Water Locale

Bobo Dioulasso

Audience Site



La Guinguette is a kind of river beach in 15 km out of Bobo. Everyday during summer a lot of people, including students, go to have a nice party there. But the site is beginning to become dirty…

The Choreographers

Aguibou Bougobali SANOU was the assistant choreographer of the beginning and closing ceremonies of the Panafrican movie’s festival in 2011, and the 3rd Delphic Laurel Award Winner in Jeju ( South Korea) in 2009 and Selected with his last dance piece AnHumanus by Culturesfrance as one of the 10 best piece during Les rencontres choregraphiques de l’Afrique et de l’Ocean Indien in 2010. He is also a Member of CID UNESCO. Aguibou Bougobali SANOU was born in a large family of artists living in Burkina Faso, Mali and Ivory Coast. He started African and modern dance at a young age. At the end of his computer-based administration and communication studies, he learned theatre based on the techniques of Jacques Lecoq with Luca G. M. Fusi (Italy) and had an introduction to capoeira with Mestre Paulo Boa Vida (Brazil). In 2005, he took in his first contemporary dance workshop held by Salia SANOU and Ousséni SAKO (Compagnie Salia nï Seydou). He also participated in many other contemporary dance workshops and/or Pieces with choreographers such as Salia SANOU (Burkina Faso), Taesang LEE (South Korea), Martin GRAVITZ (USA-France), Vincent MANTSOE (South Africa), Sidi GRAOUI (France) Carolyn CARLSON (Atelier de Paris, France), Mark TOMPKINS (USA-France), Norbert SENOU (Benin-France), Musa H. (South Africa) and Merlin NYAKAM (Cameroun-France) Sabine SAMBA (Compagnie GESTUELLE, France) Hind BENALH (Compagnie Fleur d’Orange, Morocco). He also acted in African movies such as “Ouaga Saga” by Dani KOUYATE in which he had the main role. In 2008, he undertook a personal approach in order to tell about his initiation as a young African dancer through a solo called “Laada”. It combines both dance and storytelling. Listed here are his pieces as Dancer and/or Choreographer: 2010: AnHumanus 2009: Color Colour 2009: The Hopeless Penguin 2008: Signes et Sens 2008: Laada

The Music

It was intended that live music by our professional, traditional musicians be played.

The Performance

Due to a family emergency, Aguibou Sanou was unable to fulfill his plans to bring messages about Dji fanga or the power of water. He wrote this on the performance day:  “ I hope yesterday was great for every member of Global Water Dance family around the world. Unfortunately I couldn’t perform because of what happened to my son, but I was with you guys in my spirit and energy. Hope we’ll do something like that again.”

How Can I Find Out More?

Contact the choreographer

Directions to Site Location

Bobo dioulasso, Nasso, la guinguette

Email contact

[email protected]

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