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Audience Location

Serpentine Wall and in Kayaks on the Ohio River

Date and Time

Sunday, August 2 @ 11 am

Cincinnati GWD 2015

Water Locale

Ohio River


Fanchon Shur Connie Dow Kim Marcum others

History of Site and Related Water Issues

The Ohio River is the source of our City of Cincinnati tap water. It has just bee identified as the most polluted body of water in the US. For the 7th straight year. The waters need our help!


Section I: Original “Water, Agua, Voda, Mayim” chant arising out of a backdrop of “Wade in the Water”, a traditional African-American spiritual to honor the importance of the Ohio as the line to Freedom in the North before the emancipation from Slavery. Original Music by Shari Lauter.
Section II “GLobal Water Dances” global 8 1/2 minute music
Section III “Let’s Clean it UP!” Worldbeat water activism with the audiences joining us on the plaza in a community dance party. Original Music by Shari Lauter. Section IV Water splashing music to accompany the global gestures.

The Performance

Section I: Original “Water, Agua, Voda, Mayim” chant arising out of a backdrop of “Wade in the Water”, a traditional African-American spiritual to honor the importance of the Ohio as the line to Freedom in the North before the emancipation from Slavery.
Section II “GLobal Water Dances” Choreography
Section III “Let’s Clean it UP!” Worldbeat water activism with the audiences joining us on the plaza in a community dance party. After the end of the dance, the dancers will gather the participants into a large circle seated on the plaza.
Section IV We activate: A Community Circle experiencing the global water gestures as a group. WIll culminate in a 10-15 minute discussion of “What can we do?” to activate the energized audience.
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Directions to the Site of Performance

Serpentine Wall is located at Yeatman’s Cove on the Ohio River, downtown Cincinnati. It’s between the Purple People Bridge and our historic Suspension Bridge (prototype for Brooklyn Bridge). Closest parking is on Pete Rose Way near Broadway, Sawyer Point Parking Lot.


How can I get involved?

Come to our Community Kickoff Meeting! Sunday March 15, HUC Campus, 3101 Clifton Avenue, 45220. Look for the oceanscape marking the door to enter. We will present the 2015 event details, show our 2013 video, and invite questions and discussion. For more info: or 513-484-0746.

Local Website

Other resources and links

Our performance occurs during Paddlefest! Many interesting booths to visit before and after our performance, including area environmental participants.

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