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Defence Colony park

Audience Location

in the park

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 830 am EST

Water Locale

Defence Colony, park built on a drain in the colony


Tanvi Bajaj. Laban Movement Analyst and Bartenieff Fundamentals Practitioner Tanvi has a double MA in Applied Psychology and Laban Movement Analysis from New York. She is also a trained Bharatanatyam dancer and a dance therapy trainer. Tanvi uses her background in dance and psychology, combined with her training in the work of Rudolf Laban, to create sessions of movement analysis and body awareness with an aim to lead the participants into a journey of knowing and owning their body. The focus is on Laban Notation, kinesiology, body language, re-patterning, body connectivity and integration. Tanvi has authored several papers, including a book titled ‘Therapeutic Implications of Performing Arts’ published by Routledge in 2013. At present, she is involved with developing a curriculum for creative movement in education to enhance life skills in K-5 segment. 


Traditional Kalari and Rajasthani Folk drums

The Performance

The Global water dance was such an amazing experience for each one of us. Some of us were remotely involved (in Bangalore) while the others were working hands-on with a group of children in Delhi. The site we chose was a patch of land built on a sewage pipe. The drain links to a dying river in Delhi. On every day of the rehearsals, the children would bathe, put on clean clothes and look forward to the choreographers. It was more than just practicing water dance, it was the highlight of their day. We told about the significance of water and asked them for ideas and steps they could take to help in this initiative. On the day of the event, children were very happy and overwhelmed. One teary-eyed girl came forward and confessed, “I have never stepped out of the shelter home, or sat in such a biiig bus. I love water dance”. We’d like to make a special mention of the children who performed the dance. They are from a small slum area in Delhi and have to walk for about an hour everyday to get water for their community. Their passion and commitment to this dance was so inspiring. These children truly understand the importance of water.
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How can I get involved?

Anyone interested can volunteer to choreograph and participate in the dance.

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