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Audience Location:

Faywood Hot Springs Resort and Campground

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 7:30 pm MDT

Faywood Hot Springs GWD 2015

Water Locale

Faywood Hot Springs, Gila River Watershed, NM


Jeffery Grundtner, Tami Brunk, Cayelin K. Castell

History of Site and Related Water Issues

Gila River watershed situated in the desert is highly dependent on rainfall, which is obviously scarce, and winter snows in the mountains. Prolonged drought has meant dramatic reduction in reservoirs. Winter snows have especially been impacted due to global warming. Groundwater is also limited, difficult to obtained and is obviously not being recharged.

Faywood is a natural hot spring that has been used for water and healing purpose for millennia. The ancient Mimbres culture lived in this area centuries ago, the Gila Cliff dwellings being a major preserved site of their occupancy. They are the only culture in this greater SW US region that depicted figures of animals in their art, especially featuring water birds. An iconic image, and apparently revered birds, are the Mimbres Cranes. Our water ceremony and dance will honor the cranes and peoples past and present, presencing awareness of the sacredness of water.


Ambient sounds of the Chihuahuan Desert; drums and rattles

The Performance

Site specific water ceremony and improv dance followed by the Global Audience Dance.

Directions to the Site of Performance

Location and directions

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contact Tami at the above email

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