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GWD 2013 Grenoble GWD 2013 Grenoble GWD 2013 Grenoble Email 3

Water Locale

Etang de Mens (Trièves, 38)

The Choreographers

Franck Waille and invited choreographers. This event was a part of a more general mobilisation against the highway project.

History of site and related water issues

The “Etang de Mens” is located on the “Plateau du Trièves”, at the south of Grenoble, at 600 meters of altitude. The new government has the project to build a highway crossing the Trièves in order to reach the little town of Gap – the name of the highway is A51 (Autoroute 51). The highway would pass at 5 km of the Etang de Mens, at the North, with a local exchanger for cars. It would cause damage to all the area by a monumental construction and the creation of new local roads. On the attached image, Mens is the “1”, the Etang is the little green part at the North linked by a white path, and the red flag at the top is the place where is supposed to be located the exchanger of the highway.

La menace vis-à-vis de l’A51 : du sud au nord, on a Mens, l’étang à une distance de 2 ou 3 km, et la ligne de crête à une distance d’environ le double. Et c’est sur cette crête, qui relie d’ouest en est les cols de Cornillon, Accarias et de St Sébastien, que doit passer l’A51. Selon les tracés, elle longe la crête soit côté Mens, soit côté St Sébastien, avec dans tous les cas un échangeur au col Accarias. Sur la photo, Mens est le “1” en bas, l’étang est la tâche verte (avec un ilot dedans et un chemin d’accès blanc en dessous) à gauche de la route violette, et le drapeau rouge en haut c’est le col accarias où il est prévu l’entrée/sortie d’autoroute….

The Performance

Opening time: listening to the nature (water, mountains) inspired by the “small dance” of Steve Paxton and concluded by an easy movement inspired by Delsarte’s teachings, in the EAST direction (rising sun). Second part: to be created with the participants, around easy propositions of improvisation. Third part: global dance. Fourth part: movement of the dancers inviting the public to join them; easy improvisation in everyone’s kinesphere, including water; conclusion the same as the introduction: listening to the nature (water, mountains) inspired by the “small dance” of Steve Paxton and concluded by an easy movement inspired by Delsarte’s teachings, in the WEST direction (where the sun goes down).

Directions to site of the performance

L’étang à une distance de 2 ou 3 km au nord de Mens.


[email protected]

Local website

Other resources and links

Partenariat informel avec l’association Vivre en Trièves

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