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Audience Location


Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 17h Belgium time

Water Locale:



Stephanie de Bruijckere(1977) (DMT, CMA)
My passion is to support people in making contact with their own body, their qualities of themselves, others and the environment we all are living in. I am one of the directors of the training institute AgapeBelgium. Our team facilitates the school of Dance Movement Therapy and the Certification program in Laban Movement studies.
As a dance movement therapist I mainly work with woman and support them to deal with the themes many woman encounter. In the school of Dance Movement Therapy (AgapeBelgium) I teach creative dance, Laban Movement Analysis, Bartenieff Fundamentals and group dynamics in DMT. I give my full support to the Certification Program in Laban Movement Studies AgapeBelgium offers in cooperation with the Laban Institute for Movement Studies (LIMS, NY). Besides being a part of the trainer team I help to coordinate this training in Belgium. From 2004 until 2009 I had my own company in street theatre “Movement-Theatre”. I’m still interested to organise events with dance and (street) theatre.
I’m married with Niek Ghekiere and mother of 4 children and learn a lot form them to enjoy live and become aware that every day can be a ceremonial dance.


It was a beautiful day, the sun shined. I arrived in Leopoldsburg and a lot of people were already preparing themselves for the dance of this day. Many people were dressed in white. When they were moving around, while the wind was playing in their white clothes, I imagined being part of a big river, surrounded with different waves meeting each other. Sarah Spranghers was coordinating the last practical issues. She really did a beautiful job. We started the ceremony with honouring and saying thanks to the water. It silenced the audience and the dancers started to dance. Children, teenagers, adults even a few elderly people were involved in this dance… a dance of all ages moving together. I witnessed how the rhythms of the music and the movements of dancers slowly took master over the audience who started to move with. After the dance we could refresh our self with delicious water of the water company ”De Watergroep”, sponsoring this event. I’m very grateful to everybody who makes this event possible, all the dancers who have given their commitment to the dance of water, the city Leopoldsburg for accommodating us and supporting this event, EuroLab for their supporting role they play in Europe for the GWD, the sponsor ‘Watergroep’. AgapeBelgium who has been facilitating the Belgium Global Water Dances since the start of this dance in Belgium and last but not least … the Global Water Dance organisation. Thank you for your discipline, for taking up responsibility, for inspiring, for connecting and every time again … leading us to better waters. See you next year. Stephanie de Bruijckere

History of Site and Related Water Issues

De polygoon aan de Patria is een biologisch waardevol klein landschapselement gelegen in de vallei van de Zwarte beek waardoor het een belangrijke gebied is voor vogels. Waardoor dit gebied deel uitmaakt van de vogelrichtlijngebied( *voor meer info zie hieronder). Dit gebied is verbonden met het zeer waardevol natuurgebied op het militair domein van Leopoldsburg. Verder is dit een belangrijk recreatiegebied waar mensen verbonden worden door vissport en het genieten van de waterpartijen met omliggende natuur.

*Deze richtlijn is gericht op de instandhouding van alle vogelsoorten die natuurlijk in het wild voorkomen op het Europese grondgebied van de lidstaten van de Europese Unie. Zij heeft betrekking op de bescherming, het beheer, de regulering en de exploitatie van deze soorten. Europa legt haar lidstaten op om speciale beschermingszones aan te duiden voor bepaalde soorten die worden opgesomd in Bijlage I van de richtlijn. Deze zones worden Vogelrichtlijngebieden genoemd.


Live Music

Email for more information

[email protected]

How can I get involved?

If you like to dance in Leopoldsburg, contact [email protected]

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