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Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 12:00 pm (Noon)

Lago de Xochmilco

Water Locale

Lago de Xochimilco


Gabriela Aragón Zamorano
Was first introduced to LMA by Emma Cecilia Delgado in 2008, who took her under her wing until eventually she became her assistant. In Mexico, she also was trained by Victor Siañez till 2012 when she started her Certification Program at The Laban/Bartenieff Institute of Movement Studies in New York City.
As a Certified Movement Analyst, she has been involved with LIMS as an assistant of the Introductory Workshops with Anastasi Siotas, Diane Woodruff and Rusty Cursio. She also assisted and tutored the Modular Program, coordinated by Cheryl Clark (June 2013, January 2014) and The Yearlong Certification Program (2013-2014) coordinated by John Chanik. Currently she is part of the assitants and Translators in the first Certification Program in México City.
In addition, she has been applying LMA to teach language and Theatre to children ages 3 to 12. She has taught over 150 students of after-school programs in New Jersey from diverse background and was the co-founder of the first Dual Language Theater program at Jersey City Children’s Theater. In her private practice, she has coached professional actors in the Off-Broadway show Sakharam Binder directed by Miriam Ibrahim.
She also is co-Founder of “Semillas que Lleva el viento” a transdiscipline company that mixes theater, puppetry and dance to find new ways of expression.

History of Site and Related Water Issues:

Xochimilco’s Lake is one of the most important lakes in the Center of the Mexican Republic because it supplies water to thousands of families in the surrounding areas. Unfortunately lately the lake has been reduced to a couple of waterways. Each year the possibility of its disappearance rises not only for the need of potable water but because its being polluted by touristic and daily activities.
The importance of the lake is not only practical. This lake is also a symbol of Mexican Culture since prehispanic times where a lot of activities and business were developed.
“El Lago de Xochimilco” is an amazing example of the syncretism, creativity and community of Mexican Culture.
If the lake disapearse it will affect thousands of families that depend on it (because of the water, turistic activities and commerce) and furthermore it will take with him the history and identity of a lot of Mexicans.

Email for more information

[email protected]

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