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Audience Location

Moxlie Basin in Watershed Park Olympia

Date and Time

June 20, 2015 at 5pm

Olympia GWD 2015

Water Locale

moxlie creek to puget sound


Karen Kirsch and dancers

History of Site and Related Water Issues

Watershed Park hosts the site of all of Olympia’s drinking water up to the 1950’s. Moxlie creek flows from it and is joined by Indian Creek the creek goes underground at Plum an Union Streets. So many cities and towns have creeks and springs that have been paved over, unbeknownst to people who walk and drive over them. We cannot follow Moxlie Creek exactly as it is currently routed under the city but this performance procession route is close.

The Performance

From the Source to the Sound, this is a dance on the move, just as our water is.
• At 5pm we begin at Moxlie Springs Basin in Watershed Park with an opening blessing. (.18 mi from trailhead at McCormick, gravel path is wide and even) All are invited to bless each other with waters from Moxlie.
• Then we hike up and out of the park to Eastside street,(path is easy to moderate, narrow in spots). Total mileage in park is one and quarter mi. We stop at the Woodland Trailhead for a solo dance then across the freeway bridge and walk through a parking lot to where Indian Creek emerges (.4mi).
• Float your wishes in Indian Creek at the foot of Quince Street. Then walk along Plum Street (the springs are now underground) to Yashiro Japanese Garden,( .2mi)
• The international Global Water Dance will be performed at Yashiro, followed by audience participatory dance.
• After the dances, we walk along Plum Street to Legion Way to Chestnut Street to East Bay Waterfront Park (.5mi). Here Moxlie Creek comes out of a culvert and joins the Sound. We will have a short closing ceremony as the tide goes out, carrying our blessings with it.

Directions to the Site of Performance

  1. Moxlie Springs Basin in Watershed Park:
    The most accessible way to get there is to enter the park at the southern trailhead at 2308 McCormick CT SE, off of 22nd Avenue SE. This is a drop-off/h2ick-up site only, no parking. We hope to have a shuttle available.
  2. Woodland Trail
    1600 Eastside Street
    Parking lot available.
  3. Yashiro Japanese Garden
    1010 Plum Street SE, behind the old City Hall
    street parking is available.
  4. East Bay Waterfront Park
    313 East Bay Drive NE
    street parking is available.


[email protected]

How can I get involved?

contact Karen Kirsch 360 705-1216 or email [email protected]

Local Website

Other resources and links

Global Water Dances Olympia

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