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Audience Location

Porto Alegre Região Central

Date and Time

June 20, 2015

Water Locale

Lago Guaíba e Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Jacuí


Adriane Azevedo works as an actress and producer in Porto Alegre / RS and the region since 1982. Adriane stood out, among other plays, by “”Sabão O Menino” by Joelho Sujo”; “”O Ferreiro”, “a Morte”” and “”Peter Pan”” by Camilo de Lélis; ““Abajur Lilás”” by Plinio Marcos (Award for supporting actress) and “Flicts de Ziraldo” (With Camaleão Puppet Theater) both directed by Roberto Oliveira.

Among her latest works are: “O Boi das Aspas” by Barbosa Lessa; “Um Apólogo” de Machado de Assis”, both for the project “Adopt a Writer” of the Riograndense Book Chamber; besides “O Pastoril”, “Suit Kings” and  “Lendas Gaúchas”. It was also in  “3 X  amor e Morte”” winner of the V PalcoHabitasul; ‘Vampirações and Other Mysteries” of Jorge Rein and direction of Jaqueline Pinzon, with which he won his third trophy Tibicuera best actress.

Audiovisual made the short “Cappodano” buMiguel Rodrigues, “Travelers” by Lisiane Cohen (Brazil and RBSTV Channel / TVCOM) and “Surreal Destination” by Edu Poerner. She also voices the character Ulysses child cartoon series “Anabel” of Lancast Mota.

As a producer Adriane coordinated the stage circuit of the 17 regions of Decentralization of the Festival Porto Alegre in Scene and Christmas Covered Street Light Lawn, both under the direction of Luciano Alabarse. She was still for 10 years as executive producer of the annual spectacle Passion of Christ from the Cross Hill, directed by Camillus of Lellis. It is also worth noting his work with workshops, literary adaptations, theater in the company (corporate theater) and production of events such as Christmas in the Hospital Windmills Square in Santa Documentation and Research Centre Casa de Misericordia and Theatre Sancho Panza of Porto Alegre Book Fair.

Images and more information at:

History of Site and Related Water Issues

Purpose: Awareness of the pollution and for preservation of water sources from Porto Alegre Area. Garbage disposal, rational water use, behavior and citizenship.


Music using the word water as a mantra. Excerpts adapted from contemporary Brazilian popular music, children’s songs, Ciranda (dance move) and Brazilian folk music.
“Water Planet” (Planeta Água) Guilherme Arantes
“Conto de Areia” (Sand Tale) Romildo S. Bastos / Toninho
“A Canoa Virou” (The Canoe turned) (song of child wheel)
“Trilhares” Jonas Tatit

The Performance

Participants: Adriane Azevedo, Alhydia Borges, Manu Menezes, Sibely Machado, Rachel Tessari, Juliana Vargas Minho. And students of the Theatre Workshop of the Association of Bank of Porto Alegre.
Costume developed by Adriane Azevedo inspired by African water entities and Brazilian and Latin Christian holy. Performance involving speeches, songs and movements Iberian and african-Brazilian rituals.
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