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Date and Time
June 20, 2015 at 5:00 PM
Water Locale
Vltava river
Prague 5, the Fountain at the Kinsky Garden
Rena Milgrom, CMA
History of Site and Related Water Issues
the location of Kinsky garden came to us as an opportunity to be a part of music festival United Islands of Prague.
We feel that water issues are closely related to our human issues. Water is a special substance, which is unique in unpredictable behavior, reaction and ever changing content. As a vessel of information, unity, chaos and order became the inspiration for us – dancers – people.
Hearn Gadbois – drums+percussions, Esko Maekinen – double base, Michal Hruby – clarinet, saxofon, Anna Romanovska – violin, koto
The Performance
Our performance will take 40 minutes: Ritual, Global choreography, local choreography and final celebration with the audience. Our local choreography consists of patterned series: rhythms of unity, cooperation, falling apart, adjusting, uniting again.
Email for more information
How can I get involved?
we will need help with assistance, organizing, flyers distribution, announcement, advertisement and also we welcome all dancers!
Local Website
Other resources and links
Dancelab Praha