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Water Locale

Harbour Rotterdam, River Maas and North Sea

The Choreographers

Joan van der Mast

Audience Site

Harbour Museum (Haven Museum) Rotterdam

Time of Performance

Our performance on June 15th started at 15.00.
We also did the performance on June 16th at 16.00.

History of site and related water issues

Haven Museum Rotterdam is a historical museum about the harbour in Rotterdam.

The Music

The Piano Guys, Zoe Keating, Michael Galasso

The Performance

Kranenballet is a choreography for three cranes, 3 abseilers and 12 professional dancers in the Harbour of Rotterdam. This performance was the core of our contributions to GWD 2013. Besides that, 30 youngsters and 20 adult amateur dancers of Ex Nunc, center of Modern Dance in The Hague, participated in a new choreography GWD 2013.

Directions to site of the performance

Havenmuseum Rotterdam Leuvenhave

Local website

Other resources and links
Stand out to Sea Festival in het Havenmuseum, Rotterdam
Choreographer Joan van der Mast created a performance in 2011 in The Hague, The Netherlands


[email protected]

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