Suggested Timeline

This is a timeline that you can use as a checklist for your Water Dance process:

June – December 2024

  • Sign up for our Newsletter as a Choreographer or Site Leader.
  • Fill out our GWD Event Site registration form
  • Choose an outdoor place for your dance that is near a body of water (when possible)
  • Obtain the respective permits for your site (if needed)
  • Decide what local water issue is important to your site.
  • Partner with an environmental group or organization
  • Apply for local funds to support your project
  • Decide what environmental action you expect to achieve with your dance!
  • Update your Event Site Form with new information!

January – April 2025

  • Select your dancers
  • Select your collaborators: musicians, visual artists, singers, poets, actors, etc
  • Confirm your connections with environmental groups
  • Begin your creative process for The Ritual and Local Dance
  • Learn and teach the Global Dance (coming soon) and the Audience participation moves
  • Send press packet (digital and/or printed format): Don’t forget members of the community, dance communities, environmental organizations
  • Find a videographer/photographer to record your dance
  • Find people to live stream your dance (when possible)
  • Update your Event Site Form with new information!
  • Post your updates on our Facebook Page/Twitter/Instagram

May 2025

  • Resend Press Release, and follow up with phone calls and emails
  • Continue posting on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram
  • Update your event site form • Continue with rehearsals

June 2025

  • Learn the GWD Splash Mob Dance (TBD)
  • Live streaming rehearsal (for sites that are doing it)
  • Set up technical rehearsals on site • Perform!!!

July 2025

  • Update your event Site Form with your video links, pictures and update performance information.
  • Send us your video footage and pictures to promote your work in case you had live performance by July 30th.