Marylee Hardenbergh was asked to take on the original role of Artistic/Executive Director of Global Water Dances in 2008, since she had created a multi-site dance that occurred at seven simultaneous sites along the Mississippi River, which was used as the template for GWD. She has choreographed numerous site-specific dances for places such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Volga Ricer, Brooklyn Borough Hall, a wastewater treatment plant, skyscrapers, and an Aerial Lift Bridge on Lake Superior. Hardenbergh studied with Irmgard Bartenieff. As a Dance Therapist and member of the Sacred Dance Guild, she teaches and directs Movement Choirs internationally. She directs Global Site Performance, and recently has been creating dance films with grants from arts boards. More of her work at
Our Team
Marylee Hardenbergh, CMA, BC-DMT, LICSW
Founder and Steering Committee Member