by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2011 Performances
Back to the list of All 2011 performances “It was a great experience for everyone. The students and the audience had a lot of fun, but were also touched by the importance of the subject […]. Most people were concerned that there could be a fight for water in the...
by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2013 Performances
back to the list of All 2013 performances Water Local Isar The Choreographers Tina Lizius Tänzerin, Tanz- und Ballettpädagogin Bewegungstherapeutin Choreographin Inkunst e.V. Künstlerische Leitung: Tanz- und kreatives Schreibforum “SprachBewegung...
by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2011 Performances
Back to the list of All 2011 performances Water Locale Parker Pond Audience Site Bearnstow on Parker Pond History Bearnstow is located at Spruce Point Camps which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Parker Pond tests drinking pure. We are concerned with...
by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2013 Performances
back to the list of All 2013 performances Water Locale Belmar, New Jersey Time of day for performance 5:00 pm The Choreographers Doreen Laperdon-Addison Audience Site The performance took place on the newly renovated boardwalk, and the beach. Email...
by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2011 Performances
Back to the list of All 2011 performances Read article in the Minneapolis StarTribune Water Locale Mississippi River Audience Site Stone Arch Bridge History The Upper St. Anthony Falls tumble over the biggest drop along the entire Mississippi River. This is both a...
by Vannia Ibarguen | Jul 28, 2014 | 2013 Performances
back to the list of All 2013 performances Water Locale Mississippi River The Choreographers Marylee Hardenbergh, assisted by Jordan Hart. Marylee Hardenbergh has been creating site-specific dances on the Mississippi River since 1985. She is the Artistic Director of...