For Choreographers

Our Next Global Water Dances event is on June 14th 2025!

Sign up here!!

This page contains resources for you to help you through the process of creating your site-specific dance. The first step is to subscribe to our Newsletter as a Choreographer or a Site Leader. Then, please register your location with the Event Site Registration Form. Follow our Facebook page and join our GWD Choreographers Facebook group!

Music and Videos for the Global Water Dances Event

Choose a location near a body of water where you would like to perform you Water Dance! Our plan is to perform outdoors and in group! These events can be live-streamed. More details about live-streaming are coming up later. You can include the Sections I, II, III, IV. You choose the time of your performance, but we recommend 3:00 PM your local time. We recommend to do the following four sections to offer a full experience. But you can also choose to do only one section, or a mix of some of them:


  • Section I. Ritual: An opening, specific to each site.
  • Section II. Local Dance: It is open to the choreographer’s creativity. You can use locally-based music, and use a local water issue as a theme for your dance.
  • Section III. Global Dance: Simultaneous choreography done by all the performers worldwide to the same piece of music, connecting participants and audience globally. 
  • New! Global Dance 2025: Download music | Read the Written Score | Video: Small Group Version | Group Version
  • Previous Global Dance 2023 Version: Download music | Read the Written Score | Video: Group Version | Video Solo Version: Front View | Back View
  • Section IV. Participatory Dance: Audience participation in a very simple movement sequence. Some sites will teach the moves right during the event, while at other sites the audience will have learned prior to performance. Video | Music (optional, you can use any music, or no music!) For more information on the music used for this section, click here.

Please record your dance and send us the edited film of your performance by August 1st 2025 in order to be included in our compilation of performances!

Video and Photo Instructions

Important Details to make your GWD experience a great success

  1. Explore our Curriculum: Global Water Dances has developed a curriculum with 10 lessons that will help you to build your event with your dancers. Use one lesson, or use them all! Check it out here
  2. Embody Water: Moving as one mind/body has potency. At some point in our dance, everyone becomes water, river, stream, ocean, puddle. Working on consciousness and action is important.
  3. Include actions: Take on the issues needed in your community, including politics. Past models have included petitions, call to action, and causes.
  4. Partner up: work with environmentally related organizations for speakers and taking collections or helping charities related to water:, water aid, algalita, among others. We can help you to find the right match!
  5. Include Movement Choirs: If you would like to have some ideas about how develop your own site specific performance, please read this Modern Day Movement Choirs Document.